Psalm 113:3 - The Message

From east to west, from dawn to dusk, keep lifting all your praises to God!

Monday, February 22, 2016

2016 so far

Sights and Sounds that have marked 2016 so far....

.....lots of tea

....lots of homework....and cleaning...

We started the New Year with a Christmas Celebration with the Brasher was so warm we couldn't have a real fire so we did the next best thing ... time with cousins

Caroline has some highly unusual food allergies that had us concerned, but we're figuring out what she can/cannot eat and are thankful we didn't have to see a specialist after all. We've never really dealt with food allergies before, but I guess there is a first for everything. 

First Day-Trip to Charleston for the year....windy, temperatures in the 70s on this February day. Enjoyed the pier, the downtown market, and a walk on Sullivan's Island.

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