Psalm 113:3 - The Message

From east to west, from dawn to dusk, keep lifting all your praises to God!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Spring Time, Music, and other Gifts

The sounds of Brahms are soaring through the house as Ian is blasting his music for Classical Conversations/Western Cultural History class. I can honestly say that I would never have imagined Ian enjoying classical music....ever! But this year he's been studying some art and music appreciation and seems to genuinely enjoy it!  He's got a great group of kids he's learning with at CC in Challenge II, and (much to our surprise) has asked if he can continue with Challenge III this coming year.  Homeschooling him (and the girls) has been unexpected gift this year, something I didn't anticipate. His 4 years at WPCS gave him a good break from Mom and a great additional foundation.  He and I are both surprised at how much we've enjoyed homeschooling this year. :) Grace.

His favorite activity this spring has definitely been playing golf with the Providence Panthers (the homeschool team). They've been playing phenomenally well and have only lost one scrimmage (and that by only 2 points) to a local highschool that is a 5x State Champion. Ian's learning a lot himself and loves being outside and hanging out with this neat group of kids. (He also avoids the camera mostly, pictures! :)

The older two girls have been participating in the youth and children's choirs at a church downtown (though we attend Crossroads as a family).  We're thankful for the welcome 1st Pres gives homeschool students in their church choirs even if 1st Pres isn't their homechurch. They always have a professional guest accompanist with violin or cello or flute. The youth choir director is a music professor at USC, and every week the kids have a 1/2 hour lesson in Solfege. In addition to practicing for occasional Sunday morning services, the kids are also preparing an opera for the spring - Noye's Fludde by Benjamin Britten. 
We're enjoying some more time outside these days, like getting the tent cleaned out and ready for some adventures we have up our sleeves, and just enjoying the cooler temperatures before the summer heat arrives. We're looking forward to a visit from one of my highschool friends from Germany in May, and Reid is attending a week long conference in Dallas in April with some of the OGM leadership. Some family members have invited us to spend a week in Charleston at the beach with them in June. It will also be a summer of good-byes as my parents are heading overseas for a few years. Dad will be a professor of New Testament and Greek (I think!) - though they plan to return regularly in between semesters. Our family isn't known for sitting still. 

It looks like I may be tutoring Challenge B (8th grade level) this coming school year for CC, so I'm making plans to spend some time this summer studying and learning Latin and Logic in particular. We'll see how all this pans out in the end. 

That's the latest from the Dales. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

2016 so far

Sights and Sounds that have marked 2016 so far....

.....lots of tea

....lots of homework....and cleaning...

We started the New Year with a Christmas Celebration with the Brasher was so warm we couldn't have a real fire so we did the next best thing ... time with cousins

Caroline has some highly unusual food allergies that had us concerned, but we're figuring out what she can/cannot eat and are thankful we didn't have to see a specialist after all. We've never really dealt with food allergies before, but I guess there is a first for everything. 

First Day-Trip to Charleston for the year....windy, temperatures in the 70s on this February day. Enjoyed the pier, the downtown market, and a walk on Sullivan's Island.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


I find myself heavy-hearted this Christmas season, praying for several situations, friends, family
members who have received tough news and are going through some dark days. I was reminded this morning that He came, not because all is well and idyllic and happy, and Christmas card perfect...but because this broken world, because I, because you, need a Savior, need to be restored and renewed. If your world and heart too are dark this Christmas Season, I hope and pray that Zacharias' prayer from Luke 1 (and the truth of the Promise already fulfilled in the Birth of Jesus and the fulfillment of His return yet to come) breathe a little hope into your heart:

"Because of the tender mercy of our God, with which the SUNRISE from on high will visit us, to shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace."

I hope you too know this Sunrise. It dawned in a manger with an announcement to shepherds in the middle of the night. It dawned 33 years later in Jerusalem on an Easter morning when He conquered death. It dawns in our hearts when we believe the promises. And it will dawn again when He returns and makes all things new.

We wish you a very blessed CHRISTmas!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving weekend was a treat for our family - getting to spend time with loved ones again. Reid's sister and her family came to visit as well as Nanny and Poppy. Poppy was very patient with Lillian's requests for book readings and Jenna's endless questions. Thankful for family! 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thankful For These People!

My Dad keeps getting more and more elaborate with his Christmas lights each year! I think half the fun for him is watching his grandkids' eyes light up. And Mom's inside lights and decorations bring the fun right on through the front door. Omi and Opa's house looks like Santa and Mrs. Clause home! :) Since, as they say, a picture is worth 1000 words, I'll let the pictures do the talking as to Brasher activities this Thanksgiving. We're excited about the Isaacs' and Nanny and Poppy coming in to town this weekend.

I'm sorry Sharkey, I couldn't resist! 

Mom and Dad - busy bees in the kitchen!

Watching football together!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Ramble in the Woods

A few weeks ago we took off to explore Dupont State Forest and waterfalls. It's near Hendersonville, NC - and the pictures definitely don't do it justice (it was mid afternoon before we got started and early evening by the time we were done....not an optimal time to take pictures in a forest! :) )

Definitely worth exploring some more - the hikes are fairly easy even with a baby on the back (the kids described it more as a long, steep walk.....I like Anne of Green Gables word - ramble in the woods! :).

The drive there is as pleasant as the walk/hike!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I Have Time for You

The other day I texted my sister and asked what she was up to. She replied soon after with "waiting for you to come visit!" Do you think I felt welcome to her home? :)

When was the last time someone looked you in the eye and simply said: "I have time for you."

When was the last time you looked someone else in the eye and simply said: "I have time for you."

A few weeks ago in church the pastor asked a question I've been chewing on ever since.  When did business become a badge of honor?

I normally think a whole lot about how not to be so busy, how to simplify life. But there's another puzzle part....that part where we are called to love. And to truly love well, well that takes time.

I have some friends who start off our conversations by pulling out their cellphones and turning them off. It speaks volumes to me and is a very simple way to say "I have time for you. You have my full attention."

In this social media saturated world where everyone has a voice and no one is heard, the ability or willingness to truly listen to others seems to have virtually vanished, while the need to be truly heard has exploded exponentially.

Children often ask to be heard in ugly ways ....ways I sometimes don't recognize....with sullenness or that "leave-me-alone" body language. I need to pay better attention! It all requires a lot of grace....grace to hear those subtle and not so subtle requests to be heard. Grace to know when to say "yes" (because every "yes" carries 100's of little "no's" to other things with it).

Today, who in your life needs to hear the words "I have time for you!" ?

Maybe you need to hear those words from someone. Maybe you've needed to hear them from me in the past. I'm really sorry! I fail at that a lot, do you? I'm thankful that Jesus ALWAYS says to me "I have time for you!"