Psalm 113:3 - The Message

From east to west, from dawn to dusk, keep lifting all your praises to God!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Cousins Trick-or-Treating

Well, today's trick-or-treat outing was successful I think. We had various bandits, cowboy/cowgirls, a duck, a 70's Disney Park attendee, a modern day teenager, a Pakistani pick-pocket (only because it alliterates) or female Jedi knight depending on your view point, and a Zoro-Cowboy-Batman! I know, right? We go ALL out for this sort of thing! :) 
They were cute and it was fun to trick or treat in Omi and Opa's neighborhood together with cousins, grandparents, and, of course, Fun-Aunt-Julie! :) 

We got to connect with a dear former Timberline student, Katy Swift, over a cup of tea this afternoon! What a treat for us! So fun to chat with someone who loves Timberline also. 

Ian and Reid are on their way home from an App State game where apparently App won by 3 in triple overtime. I can imagine what Ian will have to say about that when they get home! :) My Dad is cringing and watching Texas Tech grab defeat from the jaws of victory, and yes, overall it's been a pretty fun day! :) 

Driving home I was astonished at how many people are out trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. Seems a shame we can't do this sort of thing more often, where houses are
open and people are out visiting and walking and meeting each other...well, on that note, it's off to bed we go! Night all! 

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