His favorite activity this spring has definitely been playing golf with the Providence Panthers (the homeschool team). They've been playing phenomenally well and have only lost one scrimmage (and that by only 2 points) to a local highschool that is a 5x State Champion. Ian's learning a lot himself and loves being outside and hanging out with this neat group of kids. (He also avoids the camera mostly, so...no pictures! :)
The older two girls have been participating in the youth and children's choirs at a church downtown (though we attend Crossroads as a family). We're thankful for the welcome 1st Pres gives homeschool students in their church choirs even if 1st Pres isn't their homechurch. They always have a professional guest accompanist with violin or cello or flute. The youth choir director is a music professor at USC, and every week the kids have a 1/2 hour lesson in Solfege. In addition to practicing for occasional Sunday morning services, the kids are also preparing an opera for the spring - Noye's Fludde by Benjamin Britten.
We're enjoying some more time outside these days, like getting the tent cleaned out and ready for some adventures we have up our sleeves, and just enjoying the cooler temperatures before the summer heat arrives. We're looking forward to a visit from one of my highschool friends from Germany in May, and Reid is attending a week long conference in Dallas in April with some of the OGM leadership. Some family members have invited us to spend a week in Charleston at the beach with them in June. It will also be a summer of good-byes as my parents are heading overseas for a few years. Dad will be a professor of New Testament and Greek (I think!) - though they plan to return regularly in between semesters. Our family isn't known for sitting still.
It looks like I may be tutoring Challenge B (8th grade level) this coming school year for CC, so I'm making plans to spend some time this summer studying and learning Latin and Logic in particular. We'll see how all this pans out in the end.
That's the latest from the Dales.